Another saying my dad taught me is "No one is saved after the first 15 minutes of the sermon." Trump droned on for far too long.

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Jul 19Edited
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Jul 19Edited
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What do You think the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex and the Secrecy- Security-Surveillance-Censorship-Propaganda-proto-Police State Panopticon will have to say about his desire to stop being the World's policeman? Anything?

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Jul 20Edited
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The "gentlest hegemon," eh?

Tell that to the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq [twice], Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and the rest of the "collateral damage" of that gentle hegemon's Forever War, and now Ukraine and Gaza.

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Never heard of the MICC, eh?

And go to Your Friend, Google, and search for "us national security agencies."

There You will find 38 US government components of that Panopticon.

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Americans of a certain orientation have been attracted to Trump’s exaggerated rhetoric for a long time. Sinclair Lewis satirized this mindset in his novel ELMER Gantry in 1926. Later it was immortalized in a movie by the same name and featured in a superb performance Burt Lancaster and Jean Simmons. When a later copy of Gantry appeared in the person of Billy Graham the rhetorical charisma of superficially was quite astounding to me as a German who had never seen this kind of showmanship. Graham built an “empire” of sorts, was financed by some wealthy patrons and when he passed away was praised as America’s pastor. One should never underestimate the appeal of superficial rhetoric on the mind of a large segment of American society. I might just watch that movie again tonight.

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re: “One should never underestimate the appeal of superficial rhetoric on the mind of a large segment of American society.”

“In America, as soon as you are born, you are brainwashed. Starting with your parents, then by religion, then by the public school system, and then by government via the news media.” ~ James Thomas Kesterson Jr, in THE TRUMP 'ASSASSINATION' FIASCO: LOGIC AND CRITICAL THINKING ARE NECESSARY HERE, at https://garydbarnett.substack.com/p/the-trump-assassination-fiasco-logic .

“The narrative illusion introduces a ‘mind virus’, which is a syntactical contagion that spreads through communicative vectors and colonizes the cognitive biases of the targeted individual’s psychology, thus transforming the mental processes of that target.” ~ James Scott, Senior Fellow, The Center for Cyber Influence Operations Studies, in ANOTHER PSYOP BELIEVED BY IGNORANT AND GULLIBLE AMERICANS, at https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/07/gary-d-barnett/another-psyop-believed-by-ignorant-and-gullible-americans/ .

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Which part of coming from Germany allowed you to miss the history of Hitler and the Nürnberg rallies, Karl?

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Very interesting!

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First, 😂

Note, this is a stream of consciousness comment. You can see I get triggered by any comparison of Trump to Biden, lol. It's hard to believe I voted for Biden in 2020 and actually believed his campaign promises. Please know I'm not responding to any specifics of what you wrote.

Biden is the worst president with regards to foreign alliances and wars in modern memory. Like, he is worse than even Bush 2. Biden's administration is criminally terrible at diplomacy- THEY REFUSE TO DO IT! This is an administration completely run by the deep state/permanent blob that makes money by imperialism (monopoly capitalism, and subjugation of foreign lands for more workers and buyers.)

I don't believe Trump will end all the wars, but that is because he cannot do so. He ordered US troops to be withdrawn from Syria. The military brass refused to obey the order. Isn't that messed up, from your experience in the military??

But there is bad stuff too. Terrible decision by Trump to kill Soleimani. Terrible that Vance is so anti-Iran (although good that he has done more pro-worker stuff than most Democrats!) But this anti-Iran stuff is absolutely ludicrous. Our gov occupies land in the middle east, either by force or by bribe, steals the resources of these people, then guides Americans to hate the local resistance. Like they'll say, "Iranian backed Yemeni group"

The people of the Middle East are like the Native Americans, desperately trying to keep their land and resources! So I absolutely cannot stand anti-Iran positions, it's so stupid.

Trump had a much better relationship with President Xi of China. Despite the bravado, he TALKED with Xi (until the pandemic, then things got weird). Biden was a jackass to Xi on their first meeting! Trump had a better relationship with Putin. Biden literally refused to speak with Putin! It IS true that Russia may not have launched the SMO if Trump had been re-elected, because diplomacy was all that was needed. Russia begged the US to make Ukraine abide by the Minsk accords. Russia knew the US had installed a puppet government in Ukraine. So yes, Trump sent weapons to Ukraine. But he SPOKE with Putin. Diplomacy could have saved Ukraine. Instead 1,900 Ukrainians are killed or severely wounded each day. Each DAY!

Trump is good at diplomacy. Full stop. The comparison with Biden is severe.

North Korea! Democrats made me think the correct stance is to want our president to refuse to speak or meet with foreign leaders. Democrats push a zero diplomacy, all bombs policy. They'd love to blow up North Korea, because it is such a sharp contrast to South Korea. (There's not enough time to even crack that can of worms, suffice to say the reality of North and South Korea is that the former has a government that organizes the economy for its people, while the latter is a US-controlled dictatorship with heavy political repression.)

How did I get brainwashed to think Trump's meeting with Kim Jong Un was a bad thing?

I am not a Trump supporter. But I've left the left. The left is gross, they hate half the country, they hate other leftists, all they spew is negativity, hopelessness, or ridiculous gaslighting. I've learned that a lot of stuff I was told about Trump from leftist media was either misleadingly wrong or straight up lies.

I highly recommend the Duran, Andrew Mercouris and Glenn Greenwald for moral truth seekers.

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I'm thinking of putting a white bandage on my left ear in protest. What you all think. Good idea or bad?

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Left bandage bad, right bandage good!

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From the Star Trek episode with Harry Mudd: "There's only one type of man (or woman for that matter). You either believe in yourself or you don't." Harry and Kirk were in agreement on that. Trump believes in himself, that's for sure. Or, I believe it was Dick Cavett who asked Bobby Fischer (RIP) who the greatest chess player who ever lived was. "I am", confidently replied Bobby. And maybe he was.

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I think Trump was and remains the greatest chess player. :-)

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I recall an international contest where people voted on the greatest. Greatest leader, greatest explorer, greatest scientist, etc. People in Turkey had figured out how to game the system and voted Kamal Ataturk the greatest in every category. He won.

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It's because he keeps adding new pieces. What a salesman!

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Naturally! He also thinks chess is uncool and for dorks but he is totally the best at it

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Bill, sounds like your brother and dad knew what they were talking about. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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true but as the leader of the USA his actions (his words of hate) will precipitate numerous more incidents than the norm. We can't stop violance but we should not advocate it jb moebus

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I find those pretty unimpressive quibbles with Trump's speech. I could say 'non-intuitive' perhaps. i.e. the quibbling on 'mass invasions' and referring to Mongols. Way beyond anything the public would have in mind. He speaks Domotiki to the hoi polloi and they know what he is saying.

I find the whole thing pretty unimpressive.

What's more interesting in the constant harping on abput Biden and Trump.

Not just here, everywhere.

Talking of exaggeration simply put each side postulates the end of the world as we know it if the other's side gets their man into power. Simply on the basis of the characteristics they claim for that man.

Well all that is actually claiming America to be a despotism. Quite clearly. Quite simply.

Everyone - but 'Everyone' ! - talks in this vein.

The underlying assumption, the accepted status quo, the elephant in the room: America is and will continue to be: a Despotism.

Well all that's pretty ludicrous to my mind.

Far more ludicrous than Trump. or even Biden.

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oh, yeah. This, all the way. Your annotations are spot-on.

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Do a Google Hunt & Gather for “fact checking trump’s speech,” and see just exactly how much Bullshit America’s presumptive President passed off as information last nite.

“We have given You a Republic, if You can keep it... .” ~ Ben Franklin

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Jul 19
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So whose Fact Check of Trump's speech do You recommend?

Or is Fact Checking unnecessary because Trump said it?

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Jul 19
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So "Fact Checking" is "inane" focusing on "minutiae," is it?

It's a shame nobody did any inane, minutiae Fact Checking about the JFK assassination, Tonkin Gulf, MLK's and RFK's assassinations, the Kuwaiti "Incubator Babies," 9/11, Saddam's "WMDs," Russia's "unprovoked" invasion of Ukraine, or what Israel and the US knew before and about Oct 7.

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Jul 20Edited
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Re-read what i wrote, Mr Merwood.

i did NOT associate You with the Lies this Government has told and is still telling.

YOU made that association.

And apparently, ANY and EVERY question is a "Gotcha." Or at least when it comes to Trump.

In any event, Thanks for that link. Interesting website.

Have a Great day.


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Didn't watch it. If I drr or hear the word Trump I stop reading and stop listening. Your commentary falls on deaf ears. Sorry

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D. Merwood

This is what I Know about Trump and where the Republican Party as well as the Dems are taking us.: To quote Dr.

Dr. Herman:

“When you have a political party that embraces the subordination of women, the subordination of people of color, the subordination of gender non-conforming people, and the subordination of non-Christians, then it’s not a party that embraces democracy. It’s a party that is looking for a fascist leader and is going to find one.”

Always read your comments but usually disagree with your point of view. I hope Biden drops out of the race and the Dems give us better alternative.

If Jill Stein makes it onto the ballot I'll be voting Green.




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Who is Dr. Herman, Jazzme?

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Dr. Judith Herman, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and cofounder of the Victims of Violence Program.

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Thank You.

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There will be many victims of violence if Trump is POTUS

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And there will be many victims of violence if Trump is not elected POTUS.

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After Trump's inauguration in 2017, I sent a letter to the Whitehouse from the Ghost of Lincoln. Interspersed with my words were quotes from Lincoln (in italics--here in quotes). I opened the letter with these words:

Every four years my spirit is moved to write to the newly sworn in president to share my thoughts on presidential leadership. If they happen to be returning for another term, then this letter pertains to my assessment of their leadership during the previous term. As this is your first term, you will get the standard first-term advice adjusted for inflation or deflation according to the times at hand.

In your case, it is decidedly the inflation-adjusted letter. Egos being what they are, this is usually the case. At least you don’t seem to make any attempt to mask it in some pseudo humility as most do. Don’t take this as a compliment. I see no virtue in your boasting. "What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself. I hold that while man exists, it is his duty to improve not only his own condition, but to assist in ameliorating mankind."

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Jul 19
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Your link leads to a 43-minute video entitled "SUPERCUT: Trump 2024 GOP Running Mate JD Vance's Top Senate Hearing Moments."

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Jul 19
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Thank You.

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Jul 19
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Jeff, this is a really long comment, unrelated to Trump's acceptance speech.

This is really a blog post for your own site, perhaps. Then you could include a link with a short teaser.

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Rog. Deleted.

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