So true. The diversity the war parties will not tolerate is diversity of thought.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Bill Astore

Well, in theory it shouldn't be too much to ask. But given the hermetically sealed control that the

MICIMATT complex has over the US National Security State, in practice it is. Sixty years ago in June 1963 President Kennedy gave his famous speech calling for a radically different foreign policy focused on promoting peace and nuclear disarmament and based on upholding international law. Five months later he was assassinated. It's not rocket science to figure out why.

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Couldn't agree more, but how do you get past the information gate-keepers in the Corporate Owned News (CON)? Most of the public only hears their siren song, and never gets even a glimpse of what is going on in the world. The most important thing that can be done right now is to convince everyone to stop tuning in to the CON. Go to Substack and YouTube news casters that don't have multi-million dollar salaries that make them lie to the public. As long as many Americans turn to the CON to get their news, we will be living in a divided country where the Red and Blue Team voters can't even talk to each other anymore. They just hurl insults at each other and somehow think that is how debates are conducted.

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023Liked by Bill Astore

Rest In Peace, Daniel Ellsburg.

This nation and planet could use about a dozen or so more Warriors For Truth like You. If not hundreds, If not thousands. If not tens of thousands.

Thank You for Your Service and Inspiration.


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No Bill, that is not too much to ask. And here is an answer:

To elect a President who does those things, You are first going to have to be able to vote for him or her.

And second ~ and more critically ~ You are going to have to elect [and thus also be able to vote for] a Congress that will enable him or her to be able to do all that.

It is my bet that future historians will refer to this period [since Election2016] as the end of the Decline, and the beginning of the Fall of the American Empire. And thus of the American Nation-State. And thus the end of The “American” Experiment.

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Lets face facts. Out chief export and most important product is... (drum roll please) ... DEATH!

Unfortunately, I don't see that changing.

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If you count the number of nations that have have the death penalty for LGTBQ people and then look to see how many of those get weapons and military assistance from the US you’ll find that number to be 7 of 11.

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In Oliver Stone's Putin interviews (2107) Putin said it didn't much matter who was the US President as the decisions were made by a behind-the-scenes group (i.e. the Blob) whose goals remain constant. Curiously we never read about that in the MSM.

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When there is nobody left to drop bombs on, those murderous bastards in the bunkers will weep.

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So many of us "COULDN'T AGREE MORE "

So why the hell are we , yet again, in a forever war that potentially could lead us into the jaws of Hell.


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As a former SAC Sky-Cop the SAC-isms that would apply here are "A suck for SAC is a blow for Peace", "To err is human to forgive is not SAC Policy", "Offutt A.F.B. Neb. SAC Supreme Hdqtrs. the only higher Authority- Heaven A.F.B." & my all time great fav. Official Motto whilst Patrolling the BUFF Flightlines & MIRV Missile Fields of SAC in the Seventies "Peace is our Profession"

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

The sheer number of bombs dropped by the US is staggering eh?

EG: In 2017 - up until September = 35,201 !! >130 per day!


Trump Has Dropped Record Number of Bombs on Middle East


"For Trump, 2017 has already been an explosive year: The U.S. has said it dropped over 2,400 bombs on Afghanistan, up from 1,337 last year. In the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the U.S. has already dropped 32,801 bombs, compared with 30,743 in 2016. And the U.S. has also conducted more than 100 strikes against Al Qaeda in Yemen in 2017, compared with 38 in 2016.

Trump did promise in a campaign speech in 2015 to "bomb the shit" out of ISIS, and he seems to be living up to his word—with little regard for the consequences.

Under Trump, civilian casualties from America's war on ISIS have reached an all-time high in Iraq and Syria.

The pace of air attacks has led to dozens of civilian deaths, watchdogs say. From 28 to 88 civilians have been killed in Afghanistan, according to the Bureau for Investigative Journalism. And Airwars, which tracks international airstrikes against ISIS, estimated that U.S.-led airstrikes killed 1,060 civilians in Iraq and Syria in August 2017, compared with 138 in August 2016."

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The only two things that have changed since James Monroe issued his "Monroe Doctrine" are that his doctrine is no longer limited to the western hemisphere and that our weapons are far more lethal.

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The bottom-line, bullet-hits-the-bone difficulty of Ever electing a President and Congress that is not owned and operated by the MICC is explained very simply:

~ 1] Too many Americans benefit directly or indirectly from the MICC, its business, and the individual, family, community, corporate, and institutional Wealth that it generates and distributes; and,

~ 2] Not enough Americans have been required to pay for the Costs of doing that business; either in terms of Treasure [as in increased taxes] or in Blood [as in the killing/maiming of their Children, or their Parents, or their Spouses, or their Colleagues, Cohorts, or Compeers.]

~ 1] is exactly Why the magic of Deficit Spending and National Debt Ceiling deals exist. And exactly Why America is a Debtor State approaching bankruptcy. And ~ 2] is exactly Why there is no Draft.

When the People have neither Blood nor Treasure at stake in a War, the Ruling Political Class can do exactly whatever it wants to do in that realm. And in many other realms, as well.

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

No, Mr. Astore, it's not too much to ask. But is there any acceptable answer in prospect? I'm afraid that RFK Jr. is a chimera, as the ever-perspicuous Margaret Kimberley thinks, https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/57601.htm, unless he runs as a third-party candidate. The same is true of Donald Trump to whom many—not I, certainly; but let's not forget that Trump won in 2016 because a very wide and diverse spectrum of voters wanted an alternative to the same old—are attaching their hopes. It would also need believable congressional candidates. Otherwise, it's a dead end.

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