Large numbers of Americans continue to cheer it on--including presidential candidates. It is completely sickening.

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Tom, is this too naive?

Israel’s only claim to the land they control is based on an illegal colonial claim enforced by the UK and the US.

Without any consultation or negotiation with the native Palestinians.

It is unarguably clear that Israel as a settler colonial, apartheid state, that has instituted ethnic cleansing and genocide as state policies - has no right to exist.

Dissolution and disestablishment of Zionist Israel is the only way to peace. An International Court of Law needs to be set up to adjudicate and remedy this injustice.

Jews can only live on the land if they agree to live peaceably with the Palestinian's.

There must be full rights of return for all Palestinian's and complete compensation for stolen land.

Otherwise, the Zionists need to leave. Period. End of story.

And what happens is none of anybody else's business. Particularly the UK and US's.

Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin!

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Sometimes naiveté is truth staring us in the face. For starters I say get Blinken out of the equation and let Wang Yi and Lavrov in. Both have a brain and skill--completely devoid in the west.

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The Israelis are simply following a well-worn model of eradicating an indigenous people. The Palestinians are to Israel as Native Americans are to the USA as Aborigines are to Australia as the First Nations peoples are to Canada. These crimes are always covered over by fictitious (and lethal) narratives, such as the Europeans "discovered" America. In the case of Israel, it is "A land without a people for a people without a land." The current slaughter underway is demonstrating exactly what this looks like in practice.

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Israel will prevail with its U.S. supported ethnic cleansing program but, in addition to the cost born by Palestinians and Jews, there will be a cost to Americans as well. In the eyes of the world, repeated blunders like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and now Israel are rapidly eroding any respect for our nation. If and when our wealth and might weaken, there will be no help when we need it, and the rest of the world will be all over us like vultures over a dead body. Let's hope that well doesn't run dry any time soon.

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As I have mentioned, UN statistics show that since the 1967 war, 10 Palestinians have died for each Israeli that has been killed. Since the regular attacks on Gaza began in 2009 this ratio has risen to 20 to one. The figures cited for the current slaughter compared to the Israeli death toll from the HAMAS attack are about 10 to 1 with no end in sight, so we can assume that at least twice as many Palestinians will die if Israel holds itself to its previous performance in Gaza. But 20:1, as horrible as it is, I don't think qualifies in Israel PM Netanyahu's mind as "opening the gates of hell" that he pledged he would do after the HAMAS attack. Anthony Blinken continues to ask please, so my guess is we may well see 40:1 before protests finally get Biden to act as he should have at the start. If one thinks it fine to evict people from their homes and native land, the very basis of Zionist thinking, why should it be surprising that their lives of that people are not valued?

What impresses me about Jewish Voice for Peace is the elevation by the membership of their humanity over their religion. They have taken the proper lesson from the holocaust of "never again, for anyone" Would that this could be the rule worldwide, but particularly in Israel where the high ratios I cited above were easily taken in stride as acceptable while ordinary life went on for Israelis as just a few miles away unending oppression went on with no end in sight. This malicious status quo was fully protected by the United States.

Regarding President Biden, I recall a visit to Disneyland 40 years ago. Disney's "imagineers" using "animatronics" had created a moving and speaking Abraham Lincoln who would impress audiences by the impression made that it was alive. That memory comes to mind every time I see our president speak.

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I'd like to see Biden finally do something beyond babbling the equivalent of "thoughts and prayers". But even demands upon Israel have been, and will be, ignored - Netanyahu knows Israel owns the US establishment - particularly Congress.

As President, Biden could order a cutoff of military aid and withdrawal of US forces, but his impeachment would immediately follow (impeachment fully supported by Democrats who know their real masters).

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You are exactly right, Tom. Biden would be crucified if he did what would put him down in history as a great president. In the immediate act the status of the US abroad would soar, but he is oblivious.

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Golds Meir warned us of the tactic to kill Palestinian children to obtain strategic dominance.

Words to the effect “when they love their children more than they hate us”.

IOW we will kill their children until they give up Palestine.

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hmmmm, then why were they all compelled to be brainwashed in the joyless-jew faith, victoria???? which was a fundamental requirement if my moron, i mean mormon sister's daughters [my nieces] wanted to achieve 'connubial bliss' [hah!] w/ their hebrew boyfriends. they were even handed papers to sign that legally solidified said-promises. the myth-making fantasies replete in most religions, their 'un'holy books, their chauvinist scriptures, their cratonic racism, and their bibliomaniacal perfervidities have always struck me as a manifestation of insanity, but an often demonic form of brain derangement. i'd rather be locked in a cage filled w/ bedlamites than in a room filled w/ rocket-fuelled religious kooks.

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I think an annexation of Gaza and the West Bank is coming! And the US will be complicit in this great tragedy.

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sho'nuf', ab. concomitant to your comment, the human brain is just another whacko-step along the hobbled evolutionary track to the same inevitable endpoint 99.9% of all species have confronted. the only 'species' that have managed to survive extinction are the multifarious prokaryotes, such as the archaebacteria and cyanobacteria. our species will be just another dead-end or blind alley in that inexorable march to extinction, hopefully sooner rather than later.

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What Israel and the USA are doing absolutely justifies the claim that they are the Little and the Great Satan. There is no description more appropriate in describing the perpetrators of the disgusting acts of evil being visited upon Gaza. There should never be normal relations with these countries' governments again. Shame on them, if there was real justice, these murderers should be sucked down into the bowels of Hell.

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Not enough Jewish Americans are condemning it. None that I know of and even my 2 half Jewish cousins blocked me on social media when I dared voice my opposing opinion. No middle ground.

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not surprised, victoria... preveniently, my moronic mormon sister has raged against my position simply b/c both her daughters married zionist zealots [aka, murderers], so she has several orthodox-jew grandchildren in atlanta, georgia.

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Technically they're not Jewish, because the mother has to be if you're going by scripture. Let them chew on that.

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Nov 12, 2023
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I will stand with them next time I see any out protesting.

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Time for us all to grow up. When you say 'the US is doing this..' or 'Israel is doing that' you mean in each case and every such case the out of control insane governments. You don't mean the people. The people don't signify.

We all know as 'the people' that we shun politics and politicians, hold them in low regard, would rather talk of something else, vote reluctantly when we must, expect nothing good, get nothing good, turn out backs and life goes on...

That is simply it: the citizens of these democracies have never played their part as citizens of democracies: governing by themselves, of themselves, for themselves. Have we? Ever?

Well we simply couldn't in 'the old days'.

And the system even today is not set up for it. Representative democracy and once every few years electing and two party systems following their lines - not yours - all obviate against the people doing the governing.

We might at least have tried though.

But we didn't and here we are now.

Well what now? Well something new. Now we have the internet, the smartphone and an emergent property: people power.

The collective people now are fused together as neurons in a brain and can think as a mass just as a brain thinks as a mass.

We now have access, instant access, to all the information. And better and quicker than any politician.

We now can communicate with each other instantly, better and quicker than any politician every communicated with us or we with them.

We can now access, tabulate, correlate, manipulate, raw data with the expertise of any scientist far better than any politician or his tame scientists can .

We can know, think about what we know, formulate plans, agree those plans, put those plans into action. As a people. All via our smartphones and our 'social media' and the better open source manifestations of them that we will put up.

The way out of all this is to do it all ourselves.

i.e. really make some democracies and really be citizens of them.

And throw away those not fit for purpose lunatics.

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the human brain, no matter how many dendrites concatenate w/ each other, is a flawed anastomosing of anfractuous pathways that vitiate the capacity for reason and rationality to prevail over naked emotions and knee-jerk 'en découdre' reactions.

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cripes. wait a minute and I'll google a bit:

oh. a claim that the brain weakens the ability for reason to prevail over instinct.

bit of a spurious claim, wouldn't it be? for instinct would require no brain - not a thinking one, merely the autonomic nervous system. so: having a brain is actually clearly enhancing the capacity for reason to prevail.

and in fact the chaos in the world and the utter insanity in Ukraine and Europe and the ME right now indicate that fact don't they?

For it is man's 'reason' that has brought it all about.

They are all fighting on the basis of 'reason' aren't they?

They have reasoned it out that they must fight.

There's a flaw in man's reason. Clearly. This man's reason is another man's madness. Yep.

But they're acting on 'reason'. Courtesy of the 'brain'.

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tnx, dennis, old boy. wish you were my sib rather than the religious nutcrackers i inherited, simply by slithering out from the same loins as they were, i.e. those of our devout calvanist presbyterian mother. my youngest bro [no.6], a veterinarian in vermont, joined the moronic mormons, like my sister, and ended up blowing his brains out w/ a high-powered rifle at the age of 51. you would be stunpolled, if not emetic, at the toxic fantasies these religious troglodytes spin, and w/ which they try to derange the brains of others.

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Perhaps the most pervasive misconception of the description of the US/Israel relationship is that the two countries are Allies.

In fact, the US gets nothing in return for the outrageous military and diplomatic support that it provides to the ethno-supremacist, apartheid Nation of Israel.

There is no alliance and Israel is not a US ally. Its government does not behave as an ally does.

It has never fought alongside US forces in any of our foreign wars, and its interests are not aligned with the US's as an ally’s should be. There is no formal treaty and no binding obligations that require the two governments to do anything for the other.

And in reality, the US suffers internationally on account of its close relationship with apartheid Israel, and it's shameful continual vetoing of UN Resolutions to punish Israel for its crimes against humanity.

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