I agree with all you say here, Bill. And yet....the Rs have done a very effective job of convincing even many left-of-center people that progressive values are extreme left-wing, fringe, Commie ideas. I can't tell you how many comments I've seen in supposedly "liberal" forums decrying how far left the Dems have moved. Sanders keeps asking if affordable healthcare, a living wage, and a habitable planet are "fringe" values, but his voice is lost in the noise.

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Yes. Freedom is slavery, Denise! We can't be free to earn a living wage or free of bankruptcy due to medical bills etc. We must defer to our corporate masters to set wages and to provide -- or more likely to deny -- us healthcare, because to be free is to be a slave.

Best to be ignorant of all this because ignorance is strength. That Orwell guy was one smart cookie.

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Well....judging by the happenings in this country in the last 6 years (and obviously, the roots go back decades), there are a LOT of people who believe in the virtue of ignorance!

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deletedNov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022
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I didn't call you ignorant, Dennis. Not at all. Do you believe that Jewish space lasers started the wildfires out West a couple summers ago? Do you believe that the Dems are running a cannibalistic child sex trafficking ring out of a D.C. pizza parlor? Do you believe that Paul Pelosi was attacked by a gay, nudist lover?

I merely made the statement that a lot of people these days make a virtue out of ignorance. And I stand by my opinion that those who believe the kind of nonsense listed above, contrary to all logic, facts, and evidence, are ignorant. Your outrage is misplaced, my friend.

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I believe all those things. :-)

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Beware visits from orderlies bearing coats that fasten up the back, Bill.....

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Ms. Armstrong-Scott makes a great deal of sense, I think. Especially critical is the last sentence of her reason #4, about cooperation on disarmament and climate change. Thanks for sharing the link, Dennis.

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New Zealanders could be less worried about US politics by declaring their independence from the US. They can do that by shutting down US bases, making New Zealand a superpower, ending their participation in US wars and sanctions, they can declare their independence from the UK by breaking colonial ties with them, declare their independence from Israel by ending aid to them and condemning Israeli expansion into the Gaza Strip, W Bank, E Jerusalem and tell Israel to return the Golan Heights to Syria and declare their independence from Saudi Arabia by ending aid to them and switching sides in the war in Yemen.

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I admit I felt disappointment on learning that the DNC was funding the most out-there R candidates in the primaries so they could have a better chance at defeating them in November. I was surprised they could sink lower in my estimation. I wish I could remember where I read the comment, but it was something like, "America is so rich even their one party system has two parties." Like having two Cadillacs or two swimming pools. That said, my ballot is blue as the sky. Sigh.

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Yes, I just voted, and I was able to vote for one Green/Rainbow candidate. Otherwise my ballot was "blue."

More importantly, there were four referendum questions I was able to vote on, so there's that.

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Yes - referendums - the silver lining. Did you have any good ones? Here in Nevada we had an increase in minimum wage and the establishment of a state Equal Rights Amendment in addition to open primaries and ranked choice. So it was a good year here for referendums.

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Yes, the big one here was taxing millionaires to raise money for education and infrastructure. I hope it passes.

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Wow! You and Aron had some great measures to vote on! Here in Ohio.....nada.

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deletedNov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022
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So Dennis: How'd all those bettors You cited do so far?

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Hooray, you said it and I'm going to share it because I'm now a believer that the two party system is long dead! I loved your analogy of the bird with with two right wings going in circles. What a clever analogy and how apt. Thank you for your continued honesty, and who knows?- you may just singlehandedly manage to convince enough of us to leave the democrat party. What we need is a new one. Bernie calls himself a Democratic Socialist. and I sure as hell would like to join that party, but it doesn't exist. You'll note that Bernie is listed as an Independent not as a Democratic Socialist. How does one create a party? Does anyone know? We have a Green party - guess I'll go do that. Thank you Bill, keep writing!

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

I just received an email from Senator Amy Klobuchar Today from a working regular email in her Office sparing me from replying through the embedded email system on her Senate Website.

Subject: Responding to your message

November 8, 2022

Dear Mr. Cormier:

Thank you for taking the time to write to my office about your thoughts and concerns. Based on your comments, it is clear to me that you have thought about this issue at length. It is always helpful to hear people's ideas and our office will consider your views as we go forward. I appreciate that you shared your thoughts and concerns with me.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. I continue to be humbled to be your Senator, and one of the most important parts of my job is listening to the people of Minnesota. I am here in our nation's capital to do the public's business. I hope you will contact me again about matters of concern to you.


Amy Klobuchar

United States Senator

My reply: Good Day Senator,

It took a long Time to reply to the Message I sent all 100 Senators in April, making it perfectly clear I'm Canadian and all those who replied wrote as though I was one of their constituents.

That's why the title of my Blog article is so appropriate.


Ray Joseph Cormier


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Bill, we're just experiencing the consequences for 'most Christian America' ignoring this injunction,

The Christ: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

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How true. A quote Clint Eastwood used to good effect in "Pale Rider."


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The Democrats can't stand up to the Republicans. Since they can't beat them, they join them. When George Warmonger Criminal Bush was POTUS, the Republicans were the biggest warmongers. After Ehud Barack Obama and Joe Biden became POTUS, the Democrats became the biggest warmongers. The Squad and many other Democrats disappointed me by supporting the war in Ukraine that Biden caused Russia to start.

The US should end aid to Israel and Saudi Arabia, its wars and bases in other nations. It could focus more on domestic affairs and provide job security, end student loan debt and provide better healthcare.

Bernie Sanders is not as good as his supporters say he is. He is for aid to Ukraine and talked about the war in Yemen that Saudi Arabia is waging when Trump was in office but neither under Obama's term nor Biden's term.

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Jimmy Dore's critique of what Democrats have failed at is spot on.

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