What we are witnessing is the demise of the political career of a man who has sold his soul to the real puppet masters of US politics from the beginning of his appearance in Washington. He was never interested in looking after the welfare of the average American. His political concerns were to use his position to advance his personal fortune and that of his masters. His pathetic performance is visible to anyone who isn’t blinded by propaganda. A much more disturbing issue is what this says about the state of US politics at home and most worrying abroad. Neither party is presenting a program of necessary change. I am the same age as Biden and mostly worried about the future of my middle aged children and my two grandchildren. Honestly, I am very pessimistic.

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The Blue Team "news" dominates the US media landscape (hellscape) and the Biden admin. counts on them to manage the narratives about Biden and Trump. The problem now is that it really only works on well-off PMC Blue Team voters, and has no effect, or even a negative effect, on students, workers and other groups that don't take home big salaries. But the Biden admin. expects the Blue Team news to have their back and assumes they can still pull it off. It isn't going to work, just like all other Biden policies are doomed to fail. This is the most incompetent administration of my lifetime, and I keep wondering how much Hillary is pulling string in the background. All of the policies seem exactly what we would expect if she had been elected. Blinken and Sullivan have long backgrounds with Hillary when she was SS.

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Obama too. It was cringe when Obama visited the White House and President Biden was reduced to a supernumerary in his own Oval Office. And Obama even jokingly called Biden "VP" again! Biden laughed it off--he had little choice.

The people around Joe Biden--it's so obvious they're using him, not that there's anything new about this. Does Biden have a single real friend? Because a real friend would tell him not to run again.

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You'd think that if anyone wanted Biden to stay in office it would be Netanyahu, given everything he wants by Joe. But Netanyahu wants Trump in office.

One other thing - Biden was a senator for Delaware, the most business friendly state in the union. No hope for we the people, young or old in the 99%, on that score.

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The Democrats continue to believe it's all about the messaging rather than new ideas and substance. Recall all the efforts to 'reintroduce" the despicable Clinton to the voters in 2016; the only substance being the reality of an elitist neocon who thought it was her turn.

The same effort appears underway here. Rather than chart a new way forward as a leader in an emerging multipolar world that could excite young people, his personal limitations aside - there's nothing he offers, except more of the same dire economic conditions and threats of more wars.

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The WaPo tells us this morning that "Cheapfake" Biden videos enrapture right-wing media, but deeply mislead. Like we can't see with our own eyes him wandering around clueless. We're assured now that Melloni pulling him back had nothing to do with disorientation. He was on his way to talk to a soldier. Well, then why did he turn around!? He couldn't say to Melloni, I'm going to talk with this young man. They are going to protect Biden right into a Trump win. Though I still have serious doubts Biden will be president by November. His decline is accelerating and no one can hide that. Too bad the debates don't include a drug test. I'd love to know what they give him when he has to ramp up for a hour or more.

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It has been suggested that based on his aggressive behavior when he's "up" that he's given a cocktail that includes Adderall.

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No doubt a killer Cocktail of Adrenaline as well in the form/ dose of when a patient "Codes Blue" I'm afraid if he gets a Second Term it will be Shakespearean in its Comedy/ Tragedy..!

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Shakespeare could already have a field day with US/UK politics. Instead we get glorification of war from the Hollywood machine, and endless murder mysteries from the Brits.

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I've been wondering the same thing about which drugs they're pumping into him to animate him and make it at least possible for him to read his scripts before the camera. Scary!

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When I worked in advertising agencies many years ago there was a crude gesture associated with clients who wanted messaging that spoke to the audience of...clients. I won't describe it explicitly here but suffice it to say it was based on the act of pleasuring oneself. I thought of this while reading your post about Genocide Joe & company trying to appeal to a more youthful demographic.

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your only hope if you be a die hard democrat but with eyes in your head and empathy in your heart is that Biden has a sroke or some other health mishap that puts him on the side line and at the convention a new star is born with < of course< DNC theocratic approval. Other than something like that happening I see no hope of the Dems pulling off this election unless something like wise happens to Trump. My mind is already made up: I'm gonna vote for Jill Stein the only viable? candidate that is empathetic toward humanity and for peace over forever wars. Also her advocation for health care (UNIVERAL); for Green energy over fossil fuels; for people over corporations. What to lose for givein her a chance where our present system is failing us. Give her a chance and us a chance and all of humanity a chance and out planet a chance. What you say? Hey: I'lll put it out there.....give socialism a chance cause capitolism trickles up. If you haven't figured that out yet (they got you hook line sinker enjoy). We need a social contract of government for the people by the people to the poeple not not captialism for the corporations for the oligoachs for the pwereful.....power to the people, people!

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The flip side of this is that the youth of America can't be relied upon to vote in numbers that truly matter, regardless of the issues or the personages involved, as the ghost of George McGovern will attest.

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That was the first time I voted - and it was for McGovern. But I do think your point is correct. I did a quick lookup and it appears McGovern lost the non-college youth vote and Nixon did get almost half the youth vote, something the Democrats never saw coming.

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First time Voting here too as I rem. Considering Nixon as nothing more than a big joke! My State @ that time Massachusetts was the only State that Voted for McGovern then Nixon promptly closed two Active Mil. Bases when he took Office. lol

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And history at least rhymes. The House on Friday voted for automatic registration under Selective Service for males 18-24; introduced by a Democrat. While it's not a draft, it puts in place the foundation for it. Young people are continually reminded of their grim futures with a war-mongering rule class including the senile old man in the White House.

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Perhaps Joe could use AI and appear as a 20-something asking for their vote.

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If today’s youth read about the Gestapo and linked them to IDF.

Why not engage with apologists for Heiderich?

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I forgot about the “gimme a break” comment. So avoidant!

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