There are over 2000 comments on this video and if you read some of them you will realize this is not an isolated incident. Everyone is feeling the pain. "This country is seriously fucked!" Is absolutely right, Bill. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Bill Astore

After 48 years of wages, I found I was unable to afford comprehensive health insurance (Medicare/Medicaid simply doesn't cut it, especially with "pre-existing conditions"), a decent place to live, quality food (instead of Taco Bell and McDonald's dollar menus several times a week), even car insurance. As a result, these past 5 years I have lived in northern Europe, where between my Social Security and socialized medicine (I've retained my US citizenship but am a legal resident here), I'm doing all right. But I'll never get over having to leave the country (and let's not go into the political/social situation. That I subscribe to Bracing Views should say enough about where I stand on those topics and yes, they also had a part in my departure.)

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Jun 25Liked by Bill Astore

Thorstein Veblin wrote The Theory Of The Leisure Class over one hundred years ago and it describes what is happening today as perfectly today as it did then. The more useless you are the richer you become and the more revered and respected you are in society. The wealthy he termed the " barbarian culture" who were only concerned with conspicuous consumption, conspicuous leisure and warfare as some of the chief attributes of the leisure class, all stemming from feudalistic societies. Sound familiar?

You can download it for free.....

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Yes, Veblen is still worth reading today. He had a sense of humor to go with a keen eye and intellect.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Bill Astore

"Why is it that those who have the least money while slogging the hardest for it often are the most generous?"

Because those people know what it means to have to earn a living and just barely be (or not) making it. It's why servers are usually the best tippers.

This issue of slaving all one's life and having nothing to show for it is a particularly hot button with me over the last year or so. I see all the bragging about the great economy, decreasing inflation rate, and record-low unemployment figures, and I want to throw things. ALL of the numbers are misleading (e.g., inflation doesn't include food prices, employment doesn't count the under-employed), and NONE of them have anything to do with the average worker's lived experience.

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They are sending your treasure in the form of arms and ammunition to fight for Ukraine's right to be the neocon's base to tear apart Russia. For the resources you will never benefit from.

Next they will send your kids!

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But not their kids.

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No, they have 'other priorities' - as per Dick Cheney, who avoided his own service, but would send the children of others to die in imperial wars.

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Per Wikipedia: "when asked about his deferments, Cheney reportedly said, 'I had other priorities in the '60s than military service.'" See, all it takes is other priorities. Who knew?

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The movie "The Big Short" is an excellent expose of the corruption and greed that fuel US capitalism. Working families are irrelevant to the fraudsters that run the banks and Wall Street. It's time to get out the pitchforks.

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Courtesy of the SEC, which allows hedge funds etc. to sell securities they don't even have. And then the funds spread rumors etc. to drive down the price of the securities, which they can then buy back at distressed prices, thereby making millions off the trade. Hedge funds of course are big contributors to politics. Can you guess which party? Hint, it used to be known as the party of the "working man". No joke.

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Using “seriously fucked” as a technical term without actually defining it raises a number of interesting questions. The most important of which is:

Assuming that there was a time when America was not “seriously fucked,” when exactly did America get that way? For example: Was America sf’d when Biden became President? If so, what did Trump do to make America seriously fucked?

Or was it already sf’d when Trump took over? And if so, what did Obama do to make ~ or let ~ that seriously fucking kick into high gear and full time? Or had it already happened by the time Obama took over from Cheney/Bush II? Or when they took over from Clinton? Or when he followed in the footsteps of Bush I/Reagan, who followed Carter?

Determining approximately When America became "seriously fucked” could go a long way to learning and understanding exactly How and Why America got sf’d. And What ~ if anything ~ can be done to UnFuck it.

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FUBAR and FUBB come to mind too, Jeff.

As to how to unFUBAR the U.S., you need to elect me as president. :-)

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You’ll get my vote for President, Bill, when You explain, first, exactly what those “fundamental changes to a thoroughly corrupt and corrupting system of government/business” are, and then how You would go about making them happen as POTUS.

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Jeff, my platform is contained in all my online articles. You must read all of them. My truth will set you free. :-)

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i’ve read all the ones posted since joining BV a couple of years ago [and a significant number from the Archives of both the WordPress and Substack BVs], Bill. And You’ve pretty well spelled out specific things You’d make happen if made POTUS [or Dictator, as the case may be].

But You haven’t explained how You would bring about the changes to that “thoroughly corrupt and corrupting system of government/business” that would be necessary for any of Your “platform” projects, promises, and proposals to be able to actually happen.

Specifically: How would You change that system of government and governance that is set up so that Vested Special Interests ~ individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, whole sectors of the domestic economy, and/or foreign nations or economic interests ~ can bid for and get ready access to Washington's legal power, administrative authority, and especially, its spending capacity and capability thru the elected politicians, entrenched bureaucrats, and anointed political appointees that those VSIs ~ aka America’s Ruling Political Class ~ own, operate, command, and control?

Have You spoken of how You would change that?

Because until That is changed, nothing is going to change except to get worse.

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My 1st act would be to hire you as my Chief of Staff and hatchet man.

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Heh. Thank You, Bill. But i'm already committed to a slot as a Senior Plans, Training, and Operations NCO for PsyOps with the Walter E Kurtz Brigade, command element of OPERATION SMEDLEY BUTLER. Details on request.

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During college summers I worked in a chemical plant as a shift-based operator for a chemical process; the company (Monsanto) had a program with the union at the time that allowed college-aged sons to work there. (I was proud to join the ICWU, which wasn't required). The men I worked with - women not having been integrated into that part of the workforce yet - were always kind and supportive.

After college, then the Navy - where there was a similar dynamic of the workers with dirty hands, I worked professionally in IT. But i never forgot my sailors and the kind men at the chemical plant, and thought of them frequently.

The blue-collar middle class is what built this country - particularly after WWII. Many of us here are children of them. That they suffer now with no hopes for themselves or their children leaves me with a sense of both grief and rage.

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A great memorable quote comes from "Bladerunner" " Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave."

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"Nothing worse than having an itch you can't scratch" also comes to mind.

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THANKS. As a factory worker’s son who himself sat a factory work bench more than sixty years ago working for an ITT subsidiary in Mannheim, Germany. This topic still arouses deep seated anger. Fortunately, with luck and help from others I was able to escape my working class destiny and became a college professor in the U.S. I will never forget how my family/parents struggled to make the bare minimum income - both my parents had to work. Vacations were never a part of our life in my childhood and youth. My parents were ALWAYS working. We lived in the upstairs part of a house in two rooms, a kitchen and a toilet. Bathroom was in the basement laundry room and consisted of a tub for which hot water was prepared on a coal burning stove. A scrub down bath we had once a week. All the males shared the same underwear that was changed once a week. We were seven in the family. We never could afford any form of personal motorized transportation. Walking or bicycle had to do. Fortunately, basic healthcare was free since Germany had a basic socialized healthcare. This early experience has been guiding my economic and political orientation to the present day. I was raised a socialist, studied the intellectual foundations of socialism and have remained a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST. I have passed on my worldview to my two children though they never experienced life as I did. Both are professionally very successful; one a musicology professor and the other a bank executive. They do carry on the legacy of their father’s working class philosophy.

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The ruling class has the average taxpayer paying for all the Masters degrees in Theological History and other such doings of the young professional class. In addition we are expected to pay for the health care of the Central American workers being imported to buck up the Democratic Party roles as well as paying for forever wars against a constantly changing list of enemies. How can any average person get ahead?

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Jun 25Liked by Bill Astore

Alex, I do think there is value in having college degrees in subject areas that don't translate into monetary success; it's how memory and experience are passed on to the future. The meme though is probably correct that Art history graduates are spending their careers serving as baristas.

I think the anger directed at poorly informed college students and their families who took on the loans to get ahead is probably another tool of the owners. The taxpayers may foot the bill for the current mess, but the bankers will be smiling

The anger should be directed at the banks and the universities who set up the loan system, the massive increases in the costs of college, and both Congress and the executive branch that continually prattle they need and want an educated workforce for the future.

The country used to have something called National Student Defense loans. If the country was serious about its future, it would implement a low-cost loan program again. In addition there needs to be an accounting of the endowment practices of the private universities, who are little more than investment banks.

And in terms of the current loans, I don't have a good answer for how they should be disposed. We have a Congress full of lawyers; one would think they could spend a bit of time figuring it out between waving foreign flags and giving money to Israel and Ukraine.

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Well put. Thanks.

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I think it's mostly the universities that will be smiling when taxpayers pay off the loans. It enables them to maintain high tuition rates so they can expand and keep on hiring critical personnel such as Associate Deans of Diversity and Equity Outreach (sarc). I'm not sure the banks have much to do with it other than as intermediaries. Since I think the Obama years, student loans have been taken over by the Federal government, with the consequences we are seeing, as loans become another plum to be given and taken away by the state to their constituents of choice.

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"The Night Won’t End," a new documentary from Al Jazeera English, takes an in-depth look at attacks on civilians by the Israeli military in Gaza and the United States’ role in the war. The film follows three Palestinian families as they recount the horrific experiences they have endured under relentless Israeli assault, including the family of 6-year-old Hind Rajab, the young Palestinian girl who made headlines when it emerged in January that she had been trapped in a car with family members killed by Israeli ground troops, and the Salem family, who first lost dozens of family members in an Israeli airstrike and then additional family members who were executed by Israeli soldiers.

We play clips from the documentary and speak to journalists Kavitha Chekuru and Sharif Abdel Kouddous, the director and correspondent on "The Night Won’t End," respectively. We also discuss the plight of journalists in Gaza and U.S. complicity in Israel’s war.

“There’s no question that U.S. weapons have killed civilians in Gaza,” says Kouddous. “This violates both international humanitarian law and domestic law.”

Democracy Now!’s 30-minute video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvRcb4mTBQ4 .

The full documentary “The Night Won’t End” is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECFpW5zoFXA .

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Establishment Christianity dismiss Christ Jesus saying, He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

To the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things say the Amen, the Faithful and True witness, the Beginning of the Creation of God;

I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I would you were cold or hot.

So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue you out of my mouth.

Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich; and white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness do not appear; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

(Paul McCartny & Wings LET 'EM IN - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2mnHA51NQE)

To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Revelation 3: 13-22

That means no more sitting on the fence in TODAY'S World!

Because most of the Leaders of the Christian Establishment live the lifestyle of the rich and famous, they have not seen or dismiss these Words, pictures and ideas in their Bibles, all the while preaching THIS WORLD is living in THE LAST DAYS.

Go to now, you rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.

Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth eaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. You have heaped treasure together for THE LAST DAYS.

Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by FRAUD, cries: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord Almighty.

You have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; you have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. You have condemned and killed the just; and he does not resist you.

Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth, and has long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

You also be patient; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draws close.

James 5

That last line implies with Christ, there will be a regime change of this MONEY Loving and serving Pyramid System on Earth, with the few rich and powerful people at the Top taking all measures necessary to preserve and increase their MONEY, POWER and PRIVILEGE!

According to the Prophet, when Christ returns to this Earth, the Current WARS would stop. THE NATIONS will beat their Swords into plow-shares and learn WAR no more. There are still STRONG inherent POWERS in this World System that would do everything to stop that from happening and replacing them.

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... ask someone, what-is-plutocracy.. what-is-authoritarianism... how bad is inequality-in-America

... hard-demanding-to-change what we don't truly know-understand... and it's-getting-worse

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so as we watch trump and biden and not Jill Stein or Kennedy or West on the CNN podium we will know in thier hearts the Dems and Repubs are putting forth their best candidate to serve the war machine and it's ultra rich top managment (our oligarchs). Now with the draft in place our young man and woman (our children) will be feeding with their blood and guts the benificeraries of our forever wars.

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