"Show me your budget and I'll show you what you value" -- J. Biden

Nearly a $trillion for the military whose chief function is to maim, kill and destroy, and $95 billion supplemental mainly for weapons for Ukraine and Israel. Weapons used to murder. That's what Biden values.

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Exactly. Biden and the bipartisan imperial consensus show exactly what THEY value via their budgets and allocations; and it hardly aligns with either broad human needs or what the regular folk value. No, they are all part of that 'special interest' group, now referred to as MICIMATT; and their values and agenda are clear: maintaining the status quo and expanding hegemony, through continual meddling in other states' internal political affairs and outright warfare (economic, military, political, social) on any that resist.

In the last few weeks alone I've written my "Representatives" ("Democrats" !) at least a couple times to call them out on their votes for permanent war and genocide. Of course, I wasn't naive. They can and do easily dismiss such letters as the view of a tiny minority since the rest are silent and continue to vote for them.

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... having to vote for Biden-empire's-warhawk or Trump-wannabe-fascist-dictator... this upcoming election is to be the worst-choices the electorate has had to face since who can say when... MGHU

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Since 1980 at least.

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May 1Edited
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Dennis, you've heard the saying that if fascism comes to America it'll be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.

Trump has literally hugged (or mugged) an American flag as he sells Trump Bibles. His combination of flag-humping and Bible-thumping is dangerous. It's Christian nationalism centered on Trump as a Christ-like savior.

Given your opposition to religion, especially Christianity, I would think you'd be highly wary and critical of Trump.

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Dennis, Trump basically believes he should be immune from prosecution because he was president. he believes troops should follow his orders even if his orders are illegal. He says he's out for vengeance if he wins.

He's not Hitler, but he's not exactly a leader who wants to rule democratically. Indeed, Trump sees the presidency much like a CEO's position, where everyone must do what the boss says. That's not a presidential leader: it's basically a dictator.

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Trump's a baby with weapons. Biden's a baby with minders with weapons. The creche is out of control.

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May 1Edited
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Dennis, could you please address Trump's Christian nationalism, his embrace of the Bible, and indeed his campaign to sell "American" Bibles to his followers?

I find this very dangerous.

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May 1
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You don't think mixing Christocentric religion with Americentric nationalism is dangerous, Dennis?

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Dennis, you're telling me that Trump isn't arguing for presidential immunity?

Trump on troops following his orders no matter what: https://bracingviews.com/2016/03/04/last-night-donald-trump-disqualified-himself/

Trump on seeking vengeance and "retribution": https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4311194-trump-signals-revenge-in-second-term/

You need to listen to Trump's words, Dennis, and not just explain them away as Trump gets carried away, i.e. he doesn't really mean what he says. What if he really does mean what he says?

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May 1Edited
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It's true I'm not voting for Trump or Biden, based upon reasons I've given in many articles here. Reasons that are based on facts.

I don't understand why you're disparaging me for having a doctorate in history. I don't disparage you because you managed large engineering projects. In fact, I respect you for it.

I did provide evidence, in fact Trump's own words, for how he's seeking "retribution," for how he argued troops should obey him even if his orders were illegal. And his lawyers have argued before the SCOTUS that he should have absolute immunity from prosecution for actions he did as president. This is literally elevating oneself above the law.

And if you believe this site is a circle-jerk and an echo-chamber, why are you here? There are thousands and thousands of other sites you can read.

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Why are you here if you're not prepared to debate point by point. All bluster, no logic = troll, not man.

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If i may ask, Mr Merwood: Exactly What are You "critical" of Trump about? Anything specifically?

And when have You posted any comment about him or his words and actions that were in the slightest way "critical" of him?

And finally, exactly where in Bill's first paragraph is there any cow shit, or "bovine excrement," as You like to put it?

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But don't forget what Colin Jost from SNL told Biden at the White House Correspondents Dinner. In what's typically a comedy stand up that's been used in the past to rip both presidents and the correspondents, Jost said his grandfather voted for Biden because he was a "decent man."

Little to nothing from Jost or the MSM journalists was said about Gaza or the hundreds of journalists killed there. Nothing was said about the Gaza protestors outside who were being manhandled by "private security". And nothing was said about Julian Assange.

No wonder most people who only watch or read the MSM have no clue what's going on.

That also appears to be the case with Jost and the past five years of SNL.

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If anti mass murder is anti semitism.

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... he is who he wants to be... he should never have been let anyway near government office


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Excellent article. Thanks for the link.

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Thought for The Day from a practicing "Military Mindset"-ist:

"Don't confuse him with the Facts. His mind is already made up."

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Land of the brave but not the free.

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