The Democratic Party is returning to what they do best: blaming the voters for their defeat.
Why did Kamala lose? Racism and sexism. Duh. And white women. And Hispanics. And Black men. They just didn’t do what they were supposed to do, which was to vote for Kamala. After all, she was the candidate handpicked for you by the DNC elite. Geez, what more do you want? Look at the joy below!
Remember Michelle Obama wagged her finger and scolded you not to expect Kamala to “dazzle”? Remember her husband berated Black men for not having Kamala’s back? I’m amazed that didn’t convince you to vote for Kamalove and Kamalot. Haters, all of you.
Of course, I channeled my hatred of women and Jews by voting for Jill Stein. But as a cis white male, nothing better was expected of me; I was always a lost cause. And by voting for Jill Stein, a Jewish woman dedicated to peace and against genocide in Gaza, I was obviously really voting not for Stein but for Trump. Duh.
I’m deplorable. I’m garbage. I’m a bad person. The only good people are those who voted for Kamala. End of story.
One thing is certain: It can’t be the candidate. It’s not her fault that she couldn’t inspire more voters to cast their ballots for her. It’s not her fault that she embraced the Cheneys. It’s not her fault she touted the “lethal” U.S. military and supported Israel and its genocide in Gaza. It’s not her fault that her track record in 2020 for winning support at the national level was abysmal. It’s not her fault she lost all seven battleground states despite more than a billion dollars spent on her campaign. It’s not her fault—it’s your fault. She didn’t deserve to be repudiated by voters—and you’re going to deserve your fate under Trump since you rejected her.
Some of you still want a populist like Bernie Sanders, don’t you? Sorry, that’s never going to happen. We the DNC would rather lose with a Cheney-endorsed neocon genocide-enabler like Harris than win with a principled populist like Sanders. Not just in 2016, not just in 2024, but in 2028 and all future elections.
Either you vote for the DNC Republican we give you or you get the RNC Republican we all deplore. Got a problem with that? Have you thought about leaving the country?
Addendum: If Democrats truly believe democracy dies in darkness under Trump, was a mediocre vice president with less-than-stellar political and speaking skills the best person to challenge him? If Trump=fascism, was anointing Kamala as the candidate without primaries the best way to demonstrate Democrats’ commitment to a fair process open to everyone within the party? Are voters really to blame when you give them no choice, no say, and no real power?
A Facebook friend shared a post urging us to “please, please read.” It was a post-election reflection by Harvard Professor Christopher Robichaud, Senior Lecturer in Ethics and Public Policy. He assured his readers it had nothing to do with any flaw of Kamala or the Democracts wonderful view toward the world and the people of the US. The loss was down to simply this: cultural disintegration. It seems all of sudden America woke up racist, angry and stupid—not able to see a good thing when Kamala was put right in front of them.
Here was my response:
I dare say a little review of history would remind us that our founding documents considered Native Americans "savages" and considered slaves 3/5 of a person. A hundred years later, we would be killing each other by the 100's of thousands. By the "revolutionary" 1960's, advocates for peace would be assassinated one after another as we began our military assault on foreign lands under any pretext to support war--a bipartisan sin that continues to this day and exposing our hypocrisy to the world like never before.
Had Biden delivered peace rather than war and genocide and listened to the working poor and struggling middle class, any hardline Republican would have been easily defeated. Fewer celebrity endorsements and more understanding of the realities of daily life are still a course change needed by Team Blue. Yet there is this truth we cannot hide from: we are a militaristic people who bully, sanction and kill from a hubris perhaps never matched in history.
I think that the Dems hating Republicans, and vice versa, is all fake. There are plenty of photos of the Clintons partying with the Trumps (and Jeffrey Epstein), and all the elite class hanging out together. The angry talk is just to get the voters believing that our votes matter, as though there are actually two sides. It is a big show to make us believe that the Democratic process still exists, and to keep us fighting amongst ourselves rather than identifying our true enemies -- the oligarchs.