If this doesn't convince you that our government is run by a cabal of very old along with a bunch of middleaged totally insane men and a few very strange women then nothing will!! Money for our aging infrastructure? NOPE, money for our schools?NOPE, money for Medicare for all and/or for the growing drug costs? NOPE, money for the air, wa…
If this doesn't convince you that our government is run by a cabal of very old along with a bunch of middleaged totally insane men and a few very strange women then nothing will!! Money for our aging infrastructure? NOPE, money for our schools?NOPE, money for Medicare for all and/or for the growing drug costs? NOPE, money for the air, water, land environment? NOPE Just money for massive death. Our old men have a major death wish.
If this doesn't convince you that our government is run by a cabal of very old along with a bunch of middleaged totally insane men and a few very strange women then nothing will!! Money for our aging infrastructure? NOPE, money for our schools?NOPE, money for Medicare for all and/or for the growing drug costs? NOPE, money for the air, water, land environment? NOPE Just money for massive death. Our old men have a major death wish.