If this doesn't convince you that our government is run by a cabal of very old along with a bunch of middleaged totally insane men and a few very strange women then nothing will!! Money for our aging infrastructure? NOPE, money for our schools?NOPE, money for Medicare for all and/or for the growing drug costs? NOPE, money for the air, water, land environment? NOPE Just money for massive death. Our old men have a major death wish.

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When I landed in this country 58 years ago I was shocked into American reality (exceptionalism?) when I was confronted by two sentences I never could understand coming from the mouth of all kinds of Americans. Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) and Better dead than red. I had lived already 23 years just a couple of hours from the “iron” and was aware of a potential military conflict between the “super powers” but never heard anything like this before. During my student days I became acquainted with and was inspired by Frieda Berrigan’s war resister parents and her uncle Daniel Berrigan and their association of the Catholic peace activists. There was nothing like this on the Protestant side of my religious tradition. This should not surprise me, in hindsight, since Protestant pastors were among the most ardent voters for Hitler. Unfortunately, there are very few of the Berrigan types around these days. Americans don’t seem to realize or care about the danger the country and the, at least, northern hemisphere is facing. Will those who are responsible for this country wake up to the fact that Russia and Putin are not Japan and Hirohito? IF a military exchange should (God forbid) occur it will not be like a Pearl Harbor. It will mean the end of civilization and the fulfillment of “better dead than red.”

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The projected expenditures for the Columbia-class SSBNs, along with the B-21 Raider and the Sentinel ICBM, (the latter two Air Force programs) - represent more of the same. There is no strategy - never was, never will be. The 'strategic triad' that was sold starting in the 1960s has always been about ensuring each service gets its piece of the ever increasing defense pie. To stop this requires Congressional action - something unlikely with the paid whores who populate Congress. To them, it's just about the dollars coming their way.

More than the weapons themselves - as long as humans remain in control of them and not some AI system - my major concern is the breakdown in trust and the belief in the humanity of the other side.

G. W. Bush walked away from the ABM treaty. Donald Trump withdrew from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the Open Skies Treaty. New START continues but with the increased hostility between the nations, Russia has suspended the treaty.

Imagine how a modern Vasili Arkhipov (Cuban Missile Crisis), Stanislav Petrov (Post KAL nuclear alert - October 1983), or a US watch officer would react today to an alert of inbound missiles.

We need statesmen and diplomats - in the U.S., we have only fools and psychopaths.

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It is crazy to walk away from any treaty thinking that it sends a message of strength and threat when the threat is to all of us.

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The thing is ... the numbers involved - the cost, the yield of the thermonuclear devices - are, like interstellar distances, beyond comprehension in the day to day. If people can't get worked up about climate change - the effects of which can be seen everyday - you can't expect them to get worked up about what they can't comprehend. The phrase "not in my lifetime" comes to mind. To a contemporary audience, references to Hiroshima (Nagasaki never gets mentioned) and the events of 79 years ago is like talking about the Stone Age. Again: "Not in my lifetime."

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Kinda frightens the bejesus our of you the insanity of our government. War is peace.

Annihilating the earth with a push of a button is sociopathic. Its a mentally disturbed subset of human beings that ponder and act on such irrational thoughts and acts.

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Genaeral Dynamics, Lockheed-Martin, BAE Systems profit from planning for Armageddon as the make a real time killing from manufacture (General Dynamics) of 155mm ammo in Scranton, Paveway bombs (Lockheed-Martin) just a few miles away in Archbald, Pa and a short drive north to Endicott NY where BAE Systems does the Howitzer System to fire 155mm, the most wanted ammo by Ukraine and the Israeli Offensive Force.

Repeat business is very very good.

There will be no repeat business once General Dynamics subs fire their nuclear weapons.

Jack Gilroy, Veterans For Peace, Chapter 90


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How impressive is the technology...bigger, more powerful. But to think that we already have a fully operational capability to end civilization as we know it and that it is ready to go at the command "launch" after which all of the fabulous hardware is useless in a destroyed world. I've mentioned before it is only a matter of time, time we will spend ignoring the threat entirely. If there is anything that one can say is inevitable, nuclear destruction is it.

In the book and movie, "On the Beach" a US nuclear sub has nowhere to go and nothing to do in the aftermath of nuclear war. It's final mission is to investigate the source of a mysterious signal that might, but only might, be a sign of life. In the book, no life is found and the sub is scuttled, useless. The same would be true for any remaining ICBM's and bombers with all their supporting infrastructure and maintenance gone, let alone the tightly connected communications networks that support our modern world. Meanwhile, far out in space, weather satellites would continue for some time to record the movement of the atmosphere but with nowhere to send the data, then they would drift, amazingly well preserved relics for thousands of years as back on earth, technology would rust to dust.

Crazy humanity.

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The final scenes of On The Beach are heartbreaking when the US submarine goes back to sea while Waltzing Matilda plays. It gives me chills every time I watch it.

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I'd bet anyone would find something moving in that film, Tom. For me it was the young couple deciding to give their newborn a pill that had been distributed to all to end their lives before radiation did it for them. The current generation killing the new generation out of mercy, that was the message of that film for me.

I recall The Day After, I think that had Jason Robards in it. My wife and I were about to watch it on TV. My sister-in-law and her husband were visiting and we were told "how can you watch that stuff?!" they refusing to join us. Maybe they were right, what good did it do us? As I recall the only reaction to it was that showing it was unpatriotic.

What is a person to do in the situation that all of humanity finds itself in with this problem? Surely nobody could remain sane if it was thought of every day. How could anyone bear to have children? I know of a few people who have so decided saying that they wouldn't want to bring children into this world, though not singling out the nuclear threat. I'd bet a lot more would not do so because of the expense and personal sacrifice involved for any responsible parent, a reasonable argument.

Middle class Americans are stuck in a comfortable but anxiety filled situation. I feel a terrible guilt for what we are doing to the Palestinians, but at least on that issue I can do something personally if only to appear at protests, write emails and comment everyplace I think my views will be seen. But the nuclear threat? How could we be any more helpless?

I don't buy the idea that a balance of nuclear terror is in any way stable. The historical balance of power in Europe would work for periods, but then it wouldn't and all the build-up that was supposedly maintaining the balance was unleashed. And yet WW2 seems to have shocked Europe into leaving the US to be military-crazy. The US would surely be similarly humbled with a nuclear war, but at what a price! That would be like a drug addict curing himself with a fatal overdose.

And when has any weapon been voluntarily discarded? The time for that would have been after Hiroshima had demonstrated the horror. The Japanese did forswear firearms in the days of the Samurai, but only for a while.

Maybe it is best to eat, drink and be merry, though even there it is easier to do knowing one is mortal, than to do it knowing everyone, all of one's loved ones, are at risk of a sudden, unpredictable event simultaneously sweeping life away.

We've seen individuals who have refused/are refusing to contribute to the Gaza slaughter. It is a bit puzzling that not one of the welders that WJA mentioned, or the many thousands in the MIC are similarly bothered so strongly that they would quit. I suspect it may be because they have swallowed the old "peace is our profession" nonsense to allow them to sleep soundly and, incredibly, be downright proud of what they do.

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War is US. "US" being both humans and USA. The Owners of America have slipped the bounds of the attempts at a peaceful world order following WWII in order to keep the arms mfg's in business. War is the default human means of "agreement"; Peace takes a lot more work and a rational thought process rather than an emotional knee-jerk. So until you see a purposeful path to peace being implemented, all else is preparatory for war after war, bearing witness to yet more human failures. Perhaps a good definition for a rogue species. Meanwhile, any day lacking the start of nuclear winter is a Good Day, so enjoy while they last, hour by hour.

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First things first. We need to bring our military home and pursue a neutralist foreign polich and devilop a neutralist ethos as our foreign policy ethos.

If one thinks about it, that was the logical conclusion of what the Berrigans were for and what you are writing about.

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It is a measure of the insanity of America's government. And that, in turn, is a measure of the reprehensible disinterest, apathy and ignorance of the American public. And that in its turn is a measure of the poverty, paucity, apathy of its clerisy: amongst which we might well include blogs such as this.

Initiative is called for, action and directions. It is suggested that giving the people a real voice, a real meaningful accurate honest vote they can access, cast, at any time with great ease might be a step forward.

It certainly looks that way to me:



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It's not obvious that the American public has say in the matter. Most of the relevant information is classified anyway and the mainstream press supports the status quo.

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My point is that the American public has no say in the matter.

My point is that they should have.

My point is that they should want to have.

My point is that they can have.

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Agreed, except the last point. I don't see how that happens. ALL of the Democrats in Congress are on board with our war against Russia in Ukraine, for instance. Most of the Republicans too, including the House Speaker and the Senate Minority Leader. The mainstream news media shuts out the voices of peace and moderation. So what is the mechanism whereby voters bypass the press barons and the people we have in the Biden Administration and the people we already have in Congress? There is none that I can see.

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. They will bow to unequivocal irrefutable public opinion.

. The public also see this evidence of their own 'group thinking' and take heart and direction from it and increase activism in whatever ways.

. Dumb media, our paralysed 'clerisy' and such see clear direction.

. Monied interests see clear directions.

It is perhaps worth pointing out how important public opinion is already.

In fact we're told on a daily basis that Washington is slaughtering thousands in order to keep public opinion onside so's they'll win an election.

We know there are incessant polls and surveys which indicate the abiding interest to know what the public think.

Ironically we also know that nowhere at any time during the course of our vaunted democracies has there ever been any cry for improved voice for the people; there still is not. Which indicates they know the power of it but they don't want the people to know.

I could go down the short list and expand on each point but I rather think that is an exercise for each individual to do for themselves. Convince themselves, or not, of the validity of this approach. Set their minds to imagining a world within which such a system exists.

A world wherein at any time you could pull out of your pocket a phone and point to the display and say: 'See - 67% of us voting against this thing and the figures rising by the hour.' That kind of thing. I leave it to you to think.

Lastly it's worth pointing out that this is, in fact, the democracy we're so in love with. All the people aware of the issues and able to vote on them. Not via representatives who in any case are really representative of a political Party and not you at all, but directly.

It seems that to not do it is to deliberately vote against democracy.

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Anybody feeling a Draft?

Well worth the read and watch is DeMOCKracy.ink’s Mark Taylor’s 21 Jun 24 piece SIGN PETITION NOW TO PROTECT OUR YOUTH FROM MILITARY DRAFT DRAGNET TO DIE IN MORE DIRTY CORPORATE WARS: Stand Up For Our Youth; Say Hell No To The Military Draft! https://mark192.substack.com/p/cartoonpetition-sign-now-to-protect

It includes:

1. A statement and video by former Congressman and current Congressional candidate Dennis Kucinich; and,

2. An extended video statement by Eisenhower Media Network Associate Director Matthew Hoh, who had nearly twelve years’ experience with the US military and the wars overseas with the United States Marine Corps, Department of Defense and State Department.

3. A link to The Petition to Congress that reads:


* We are opposed to automatic registration for the draft.

* Our government must use diplomacy to avert wider wars.

* Congress must reclaim its constitutional war power duties.

* We must not permit our country to wage undeclared wars.

* This goes against the spirit of individual liberty which the Founders of our country established.


Note: The ONLY reason Congress is considering implementing Automatic Selective Service registration for all American Males is because, quite simply, somewhere down the line, the intent is to have a Military Draft, making all those Males available for military service.

And there are some folks in DC who want to see Automatic SS registration for all American Females, as well.

It will be very interesting to see how American Citizens, Tax Payers, and Voters over the age of eighteen react and respond to bringing Involuntary Servitude ~ aka Slavery ~ back to America.

And it will be even more interesting to see how all those Young Americans under eighteen react and respond.

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Jeffrey Sachs mentioned this on a recent Tucker Carlson podcast: https://www.amazon.com/Gambling-Armageddon-Roulette-Hiroshima-1945-1962/dp/0307266885

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Whoever has the most submarines, wins. Whoever has the most nukes, wins. It's a guy thing.

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This is home. No contactee has ever claimed that an ET conceded that this was our planet. ET has done the work. Now they want the reward. The vineyard will have a new tenant.

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There has to be a compelling reason to build so many apocalyptically lethal submarines. Given the secrecy component of the military industrial complex, my expectation is that this relates to something we the public don’t know, having consented all our lives to the institutionalisation of conspiracy - unlike Julian Assange who is still on remand for believing in a plurality of narratives and without a case to answer after five years in prison plus seven in the embassy. I think they’re building for a battle with ET, thinking that this might deter ET whose activities show a focus on naval activity, as revealed in the recently described “tic-tac” engagement with carrier ‘planes in the Pacific. The logic being the same. If we can’t have our planet to screw around with, you’re not going to have it either. The logic of the spurned boyfriend. We may or may not be able to hide in our submarines from ET but they’re the best prospect of a Vergeltungswaffen that we have. Revenge, when you know that the war will be lost. Any other offers? The Russians? The Chinese?

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ET can't phone home if he's been nuked. :-)

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