Agreed, except the last point. I don't see how that happens. ALL of the Democrats in Congress are on board with our war against Russia in Ukraine, for instance. Most of the Republicans too, including the House Speaker and the Senate Minority Leader. The mainstream news media shuts out the voices of peace and moderation. So what is the mechanism whereby voters bypass the press barons and the people we have in the Biden Administration and the people we already have in Congress? There is none that I can see.
. They will bow to unequivocal irrefutable public opinion.
. The public also see this evidence of their own 'group thinking' and take heart and direction from it and increase activism in whatever ways.
. Dumb media, our paralysed 'clerisy' and such see clear direction.
. Monied interests see clear directions.
It is perhaps worth pointing out how important public opinion is already.
In fact we're told on a daily basis that Washington is slaughtering thousands in order to keep public opinion onside so's they'll win an election.
We know there are incessant polls and surveys which indicate the abiding interest to know what the public think.
Ironically we also know that nowhere at any time during the course of our vaunted democracies has there ever been any cry for improved voice for the people; there still is not. Which indicates they know the power of it but they don't want the people to know.
I could go down the short list and expand on each point but I rather think that is an exercise for each individual to do for themselves. Convince themselves, or not, of the validity of this approach. Set their minds to imagining a world within which such a system exists.
A world wherein at any time you could pull out of your pocket a phone and point to the display and say: 'See - 67% of us voting against this thing and the figures rising by the hour.' That kind of thing. I leave it to you to think.
Lastly it's worth pointing out that this is, in fact, the democracy we're so in love with. All the people aware of the issues and able to vote on them. Not via representatives who in any case are really representative of a political Party and not you at all, but directly.
It seems that to not do it is to deliberately vote against democracy.
My point is that the American public has no say in the matter.
My point is that they should have.
My point is that they should want to have.
My point is that they can have.
Agreed, except the last point. I don't see how that happens. ALL of the Democrats in Congress are on board with our war against Russia in Ukraine, for instance. Most of the Republicans too, including the House Speaker and the Senate Minority Leader. The mainstream news media shuts out the voices of peace and moderation. So what is the mechanism whereby voters bypass the press barons and the people we have in the Biden Administration and the people we already have in Congress? There is none that I can see.
. They will bow to unequivocal irrefutable public opinion.
. The public also see this evidence of their own 'group thinking' and take heart and direction from it and increase activism in whatever ways.
. Dumb media, our paralysed 'clerisy' and such see clear direction.
. Monied interests see clear directions.
It is perhaps worth pointing out how important public opinion is already.
In fact we're told on a daily basis that Washington is slaughtering thousands in order to keep public opinion onside so's they'll win an election.
We know there are incessant polls and surveys which indicate the abiding interest to know what the public think.
Ironically we also know that nowhere at any time during the course of our vaunted democracies has there ever been any cry for improved voice for the people; there still is not. Which indicates they know the power of it but they don't want the people to know.
I could go down the short list and expand on each point but I rather think that is an exercise for each individual to do for themselves. Convince themselves, or not, of the validity of this approach. Set their minds to imagining a world within which such a system exists.
A world wherein at any time you could pull out of your pocket a phone and point to the display and say: 'See - 67% of us voting against this thing and the figures rising by the hour.' That kind of thing. I leave it to you to think.
Lastly it's worth pointing out that this is, in fact, the democracy we're so in love with. All the people aware of the issues and able to vote on them. Not via representatives who in any case are really representative of a political Party and not you at all, but directly.
It seems that to not do it is to deliberately vote against democracy.