I know I've said this before, but with democracy allegedly hanging in the balance due to Trump, the Democratic Party asserts that soon to be 82-year-old Joe Biden is the best and most fit candidate to defeat Trump and preserve democracy.

Meanwhile, the Biden campaign message is the inspiring "finish the job," with "job" left unspecified.

It's almost as if the Democrats want to lose to Trump.

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The only defence Dems have at this point is that “Biden isn’t Trump”. What exactly is Biden we don’t know, we are still figuring that part out after his lengthy career in politics, but hey at least he isn’t Trump! Count your blessings!

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Let me Simplify:

YEAH, were Fuc*** either way.

Bernie was our last chance at MAINTAINING the ILLUSION that we have a democracy.

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Wait, Biden wants to defend "our democracy" whatever that may be!

From the deplorables!

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Watching Biden wander off, spout gibberish, or appearing catatonic - the latter most of the time - makes for good X videos and Republican attack ads. I shake my head at it all as much as anyone else, and the sometimes humorous comments are needed to maintain sanity.

But this empty shell of a man who has always been a dumb cynical political hack is actually a candidate for a second term as President of the United States. That one of the major political parties would go with this fool - no matter how much control is exercised by a former incumbent and his acolytes - says how obsessed they are with power. Yes, Trump is terrible on many issues, including Israel - but at least at present he doesn't exhibit full-blown dementia and his instincts and past do not suggest fanning global conflict.

Maybe none of it really matters. The real President is coming to address a joint session of Congress on July 24th.

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No worries his Wife is a Dr. I'm sure she'll take care of him..! :O)

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To borrow George Galloways great line, "Two cheeks of the same backside."

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Eh, I hate to apologize for Trump shoving a dude, and I do not like either Trump or Biden, but I feel like we are less likely to die in WW3 if Trump wins. Yeah, he's been chosen by the deep state - you can tell by the change in his rhetoric about funding Ukraine, and how he got Mike Johnson to pass Ukraine aid.

However, Trump is motivated by self-interest and has a wild card in him that the deep state may not control 100%.

Also, sure he shoved a guy 6 year ago or whatever, but Biden's administration has shoved hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to their death. Did you hear that recently 2000 Ukrainians died in a SINGLE DAY? Highly recommend the Duran and Alexander Mercouris for detailed info on Ukraine developments. It's a little harder to listen to Mercouris- he has been censored heavily- mm wonder why? But if you want to hear detailed day-day developments in Ukraine, he is your guy.

He also has a British accent that calms me down. Lol.

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Alexander is so dedicated, I listen every day to honor his labors--and I learn a lot. I've tried to get some DNC diehards to listen to him with caveat, he may not always be right but ignore him to your peril. (The few times he's wrong he readily admits it. Imagine that.) He had a great program today. "Just saying." :-)

In 2016 I said to friends, "If Trump wins, God help this country. If Hillary wins, God help the world." Sadly, Trump 2.0 bothers me far more given the swamp creatures he surrounded himself with during 1.0 and now, even before the election, he's chumming up way too much to neocons yet again and is just as bad on Israel as creepy Genocide Joe. What a mess!

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Yeah, you're right. But I have hope in the American people. That unfortunately excludes die-hard Democrats and anybody who thinks their neighbor is the problem. But I think those people are actually a minority of us.

Not to sound wishy washy, but governments are in power ONLY BY the consent of the governed. That's why the DC elite work so hard to divide us on cultural issues. And I cannot say what it looks like when a government loses that consent- like if you see a sudden big mass strike or people march on their state capitals, but I do know that we the people are actually the ones with the power. There are more of us than them. That is why it is so important that we not get bogged down in election bullshit and instead focus on befriending our neighbors. Simple relationships.

Just saying. 😀

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Oh and no, I do not think we have a choice here, and you can interpret that in 10 different ways that all end in our opinions not mattering one bit.

Unless the entire population of the US drops cultural issues and unites on economic issues. Then we have all the choices in the world.

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But culture war means lots of legislation that has nothing to do with helping we the people and that means no attention to legislation that might threaten profit.

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Biden was recalling the time he parachuted behind the lines before the Normandy invasion. Our hero.

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Sitting in my hotel room in Pesaro, Italy.

At the Circuit Marco Simoncelli for this weekend's World Motorcycle Championship race.

Very interesting to listen to commentary from the Europeans on the 2024 POTUS election

Oh dear!

Its TRUMP all the way. They know it! And are very worried which TRUMP will show up in his 2nd term.

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Dennis: You're like flour you are all over the place. I could say something else! :/ :o) Enjoy the Races. And Fathers day!

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As I look at this empty old man vaguely starting to wander off somewhere, I also see in my mind his advisors, because that is who you are voting for if you vote for Biden, and they too , while not senile (I guess), are mental disasters who have no idea of history or politics or morality or a number of things they should know. Blinkin, Sullivan, and Nuland (she may be sort of gone, but is not forgotten) and a bunch of others unnamed are as empty headed as their leader. Oblivion is the result.

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Biden saw the nice young man sitting on the ground and decided to help him set up his tent.

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"Back to School" is such a classic movie.

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In all liklihood I think Biden was attempting to engage the Pararescue man on the ground there, but the Optics are still bad...! The state of America at this juncture I'm afraid... As Geena Davis says in Jeff Goldblums Eighties flic. "The Fly" "Be afraid, be very afraid" This will reach Shakespearean levels of tragedy!

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It's tough to watch Biden now. He increasingly looks confused, and his movements are almost in slow motion at times.

Time is cruel, and I can't see how Biden could possibly be mentally and physically fit to be president for another four years. Yet the Dems say, "Vote blue no matter who."

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We make commercial pilates call it quits at 65, but you can totter to the tomb in the White House, Congress and the Court. We need a mandatory sell by date--given common sense is non-existent these days. Clearly, the framers never dreamed these lunatics would cling to power to the end.

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Check out on You Tube, and I rem. how young Bobby was in 68 when he announced in the Senate Caucus Rm. Now we have these two... Do they look up to the rigors of National Office to anyone? Even in their Primes they were nothing special as human physical specimens go. lmao I won't even touch on their mental/ intellectual qualities!

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Jun 14Edited
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How accurate, for most politicians at least (and the people around Trump were laughing). Certainly an antidote to the Bill Clinton era where people said they would vote for him because "he cares about me". What claptrap.

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I feel your pain! LOL

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He wants to feel my pain? Kick him in the ..... shin.

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Biden's walk reminds me of the way Gort walked in The Day the Earth Stood Still. We need Michael Rennie to take charge of Biden.

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That's an insult to Gort..! :/ :o) Although at this pt. the Zoo Animal could use a good Keeper!

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That's true. And I think that Gort could not harm anyone, though he was a crusher when it came to disabling tanks and artillery. Biden is just the opposite.

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Jun 14Edited
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Larry Wilkerson, who will be 80 in October (as I recall) doesn't look it and sounds like a middle aged man with the mental acuity of one. Still, he said on Nima's program this week he gets dizzy when he gets out of bed or stands up. He has the aches and pains of old age, and states flatly, he has no business at that age trying to be president. Knowing when enough is enough is a gift of wisdom, and we know we governed by fools and not the wise. We sang a song in college choir, "The silver swan who living had no note. When death approached, unlocked its throat. Today more geese than swans now live. More fools than wise." Amen to that....

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Jun 15Edited
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Ray: Hi how is it that that the eternal and omniscient Creator in the Bible so confidently assert so many fundamental misconceptions about Creation? Why would the God of the scriptures be far less knowlegeable about nature than are we, newcomers, who have only just begun to study the Universe? He could not bring himself to overlook the Bible's formulation of a flat 6000 yr. old Earth, and he found especially tragic the notion that we had been created separately from all other living things. The discovery of our relatedness to all life was borne out by countless distinct and compelling lines of evidence. For Carl Sagan , Darwin's insight that Life evolved over the eons through natural selection was not just better science than Genesis, it also afforded a deeper more satisfying spiritual experience...

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Jun 17Edited
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I send Greetings-- Ray!

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Well, Abel didn't benefit from such. :-) And these accounts are nothing compared to the ten great men of Babylon who lived for over forty thousand years! These days, we wish our leaders would drop dead and be forgotten!

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... getting to 2028 becoming ever more challenging, no matter how we might attempt ignoring our staggering-quandaries

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